Living in full sexuality is one of the many things that must be unlearned to later understand, value, and enjoy responsibly.

Living in full sexuality is one of the many things that must be unlearned to later understand, value, and enjoy responsibly.

Have you ever heard these phrases throughout your life? sex is a sin, sex is dirty, sex is not to be enjoyed, or did you feel guilty and sometimes even embarrassed or anxious?

The mind develops and activates an unconscious defense mechanism when a person experiences sexual trauma or a negative experience giving way to mental blocks.

It is a matter of a moment, an experience or some phrase that made you feel ridiculous or guilty, among others, and that painful moment is recorded in the mind to ensure that it never happens again. The problem is that the person stays there in that memory with that reference for years and reacting in the same way in each sexual encounter.

Remember, the mind doesn’t care if you had the best orgasm of your life, its only function is to keep you alive, and it does this through references from the past and away from painful moments even if it must block the pleasure.

The mind is scanning the information that is constantly presented in our environment and is reflected in society through religion, prejudice, what they will say, pornography, fear of performance, rejection or being judged, low sexual self-esteem and discern right and wrong according to our beliefs and experiences both good and bad.

Sexuality is an uncomfortable topic in certain contexts and most of the problems related to sex are derived from the existence of anxiety associated with sexual relations.

Unrealizable expectations and social pressures cause anxiety that easily leads to dysfunctions and sexual disorders of various kinds.

It is important to rule out the organic origin of the problem by going to the right professional. There are problems that may be related to physical causes, such as difficulty in circulation or taking certain medications.

RTT allows us to go to those moments in which our mind was “stuck to protect ourselves” and rewire those beliefs to replace them with beneficial and powerful beliefs. That is, the mind still acts that way because it thinks you are in “danger” as it once was.

Approaching these types of sexual problems with hypnosis helps increase self-esteem and self-acceptance, decrease anticipatory anxiety associated with sexual dysfunction, and improve overall sexual activity.

We play the only part we’ve ever known until that part becomes our own

“Every word you say is a blueprint that your mind, body, and psyche want to make a reality”

Marisa Peer


You are unique! I believe in you and your inner power to awaken by using your mental and spiritual abilities wisely. It’s time to activate the toolkit you came into this world with so you’re able to explore how to use those tools to your advantage.

Many times, we confuse our life purpose with made up and conditioned beliefs that are not aligned with your spiritual self. This process involves unlearning everything that has been passed down to us without even asking why or for what reason. All of the answers are in you, and I will be the channel to help you reach them. The power is in you.

Contact me for a free 20 minute video call consultation. I am here to help!