More than 90% of people admit that procrastinating has a significant impact on their life. What would your percentage be?

When you regularly put off tasks that you know you should be doing, it causes additional stress and anxiety. You may never complete the task as well as you might have if you didn’t procrastinate.

Procrastination occurs for a variety of reasons, including a lack of motivation, a sense of purpose, and confidence that you will be able to complete the task successfully.

The good news is that all your procrastination reasons can be successfully treated with hypnosis, creating powerful new pathways in your subconscious mind to end procrastination, forever, and learn to enjoy what you do.

RTT is effective in ending procrastination by actively engaging your subconscious mind, giving it the motivation and drive to get things done. Motivation comes from deep within your mind, and if you want to experience significant change in your life, hypnosis can rewire your mind to do just that.

Once we find the cause, the reason, and why the mind directs itself to procrastinate, we can replace these beliefs so that they are the engine of motivation and empower you by feeling the satisfaction of doing the things you propose.

Part of the program that we will work on in the RTT consists of a personal audio that I will give you and you will listen to it for 21 days. This audio is an essential part of the program since we will work on visualization to excite the mind and make it your best ally.

You will no longer feel guilty when you procrastinate or feel stressed while rushing to complete tasks because procrastination will be a thing of the past in your life. You will feel that you can take on any task and you will be sure that you can complete it successfully without fear of failure.

“Words are powerful – and your mind is listening”

Marisa Peer


You are unique! I believe in you and your inner power to awaken by using your mental and spiritual abilities wisely. It’s time to activate the toolkit you came into this world with so you’re able to explore how to use those tools to your advantage.

Many times, we confuse our life purpose with made up and conditioned beliefs that are not aligned with your spiritual self. This process involves unlearning everything that has been passed down to us without even asking why or for what reason. All of the answers are in you, and I will be the channel to help you reach them. The power is in you.

Contact me for a free 20 minute video call consultation. I am here to help!